Media Events is a blog featuring high-level cultural commentary at recession-proof prices.
A “Media Event” is not a party with a bunch of writers and editors. That’s a media event. Totally different thing. Rather, a Media Event, as I’m using the term, is a piece of media that has become an event. Sometimes the piece of media will already be a Media Event unto itself. At others, the piece of media will become a Media Event through the transitive power of being written about on Media Events.
In this blog, I will attempt to explain why a piece of media, whether it’s an album, a music video, a video, a meme, or whatever else, works. The cultural impulses and conditions it speaks to. Where it comes from. What its creator tried to do, and whether that matches up to what it actually does for its audience.

My name is Drew Millard, and I am your humble guide into this exciting world. I am a writer, editor, and strategist and used to be Very Cool. Now, I co-host a podcast called Nersey and do media strategy as one-third of a firm called Moon Phase. If you would like to hire me to write, edit, host, or strategize for you, get in touch at
This blog has been made possible thanks to Supertab, whose tools offer writers alternative ways to get paid for their work beyond either running a bunch of ads or relying upon subscriptions. I am being clear about this because I will be using Supertab tech on this site. Reach out to me here if you have any feedback.